Rajzefiber is a show of works created in the diploma studios of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
The exhibition represents a moment of transition – entering the stage of professional independence and venturing into unfamiliar topographies, where new personal choreographies are constructed among twists, obstacles, and elevations, redefining our relationship with the world.
‘Underground. Subterra incognita’
With this exhibition we want to show the experience of deep time – the experience of the distant past circulating between the knowledge of geologists and the fantasy of miners, especially today, when coal mining is coming to an end, our underground needs to be reconsidered.
Hail to the Chief — Frank Synowicz’s reinterpretations of the US presidents images
The artist plays with portraiture, a genre that constitutes a quintessence of dignity, careful study and solemnity. He has preferred to modify presidents’ portraits instead of showing scenes from everyday home or office life.