Current and announcment

Unidentified Zone

This interdisciplinary exhibition showcases artists and designers associated with the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice while providing an insight into projects, activities and realisations that go beyond the scope of the curriculum. Participants have been chosen through an open call addressed to the community of artists working for the Academy. The most interesting works turn out to be the ones that are slightly incompatible with the curricular parameters and consequently, they might not be properly appraised if standard academic statistics had been applied.

In many instances, the presented works and activities are the ones that the Academy’s employees engage themselves in their so-called (but not really) spare time. It might be a source of extra income or just their pastime, something that they willingly commit their time and energy to – and some artists make a point of sometimes using the media or technique that is outside the scope of their usual work at the Academy.

Moreover, the exhibition reveals various relations that the Academy’s employees have with the local community and institutions, and shows the initiatives that they join in. We can see how different places and activities benefit from their competencies and creative endeavours.

Unidentified Zone discloses these unique networks, showing a multidirectional interplay of the Academy and the external environment, although not exclusively artistic one – artistic groups are still perceived as keeping to themselves.

The presentation highlights important and useful projects, yet not necessarily the spectacular or celebrated ones. They are works that have been realised with real passion, but they would not benefit their authors in terms of credit points . That being so, the exhibition contributes to the ongoing discussion about the development strategy for the Academy within the next 10 years – including the possibility of abandoning the current employee evaluation system and, instead, finding ways to verify the real achievement of educational goals.

Judyta Bernaś, Jan Dybała + Piotr Ceglarek [Biuro Dźwięku Katowice], Katarzyna Fober + Bartłomiej Polak [KUFA .Design], Jolanta Jastrząb, Magdalena Kilarska, Michalina W. Klasik, Bogdan Kosak, Aleksander Kozera, Barbara Kubska + Anna Sielska + Paulina Urbańska, Paweł Mendrek + Martin Newth + Dave Beech, Hanna Sitarz-Pietrzak, Joanna Zdzienicka-Obałek

Magdalena Kreis

Visual Identity
Anna Kopaczewska

Dominika Żłobińska

Paweł Szeibel

Project Partner
Biuro Dźwięku Katowice

Opening of the exhibition — 11 March 2022, from 6 p.m.
The exhibition will last until 30 April 2022.