Current and announcment

IRENA IZABELA IMAŃSKA Light is My Favorite Colour – exhibition in Small Space

We are part of nature, and nature itself meets all the conditions of abstract imagery. Looking at the sky, we see pure abstraction. Delving into the cosmos around us, we can already observe fully abstract forms. Viewing images of the micro-world and the macro – the cosmos, we see constellations of abstract geometry. Scientific discoveries and our technical capabilities have changed the image of the world we observe – the capabilities of technology and scientific discoveries have allowed us to observe nature in the spectrum of visible light, in infrared as ultraviolet, X-rays, radio waves, electromagnetic waves.

Observation of nature and observation of artistic images Irena Izabela Imańska offers the recipient of her work independence and freedom of interpretation, as if the viewer were observing natural events. The artist is a representative of creative Kosmorealism. The concept of Kosmorealism was defined by the artist Witold Stypa in the 1980s. The word is a combination of two words from Greek, cosmo – order, and real – thing. In her work, it means “Order the thing” – that is, to activate one’s imagination to find one’s own image and personal interpretations. Nature is an optical abstraction for us. We create names for it and interpret it in our own way. Its true face remains a mystery. The true face of nature is not a confirmation of what we remember, nature is still what it has not yet become for us. Therefore, an image created without confirming our habits and conventions is one of the best ways to get closer to the actions of nature. Nature is spontaneous and free.

Educational activities Irena Izabela Imańska acts in a spontaneous, lively, and free manner. These are undoubtedly pedagogical moments of invaluable creative value. The artist works with youth as a pedagogue in an art school, in a place with a special need for creative thinking. In her opinion, artistic creativity should be a release from imposed patterns and common preferences. The artist chose a difficult path, especially in times of narrative art flooding. Imańska’s paintings do not pretend to be anything. There is no narration in them. Her paintings are what they are. The essence of their action is the broad freedom of interpretation. Art serves a servient role for the artist. The recipients of her art have the opportunity to create new neural connections in their brains – so important for the development of consciousness.

Witold Stypa, ‘Museum of Future’, Berlin 2024

Vernissage on December 18 at 6pm.
The exhibition will run until January 26, 2025.