Current and announcment
27th Polish Poster Biennale
As a fleeting chronicle of the world, poster art surpasses other art forms in the ability to demonstrate ideas alongside political and social changes. It logs history, people, their lives and anniversary celebrations. It is never about the end of something; instead, it tells a story, heralds the beginning or focuses on issues of current importance.
These paper witnesses to human existence have been welcome visitors at the Polish Poster Biennale in Katowice for over 50 years.
This year, for the 27th edition, we have invited all those who wish to say something pertinent to here and now – and want to discuss topical subjects in culture, social movements and politics.
The Polish Poster Biennale in Katowice is currently the largest and the oldest review of poster art in Poland and Europe. There have been 640 works submitted for this year’s edition – and 286 of them are on view in the exhibition.
A concurrent exhibition is also on display, featuring works created by members of the Jury, the Honorary Committee and the Organising Committee for the Biennale.
We express our warmest thanks to all participating artists – and look forward to seeing visitors exploring the exhibition.
Katarzyna Gawrych-Olender, Monika Starowicz — curators
The exhibition will be opened on 28th of December.
The exhibition will last until 27th of February.
The jury composed of:
prof. Tomasz Bogusławski
Krzysztof Dydo
dr hab. Ryszard Kajzer – President
dr hab. Sebastian Kubica
Piotr Młodożeniec
reviewed the works qualified for the competition (286 works by 172 authors) and decided by voting to award the following awards:
Regulation awards
Grand Prix – Eugeniusz Skorwider „Hate”
Gold Medal – Mirosław Adamczyk „Friedrich Nietzsche. RE_ssentiment”
Silver Medal – Filip Ciślak „Save the bees 2”
Bronze Medal – Tomasz Kipka „Jazz’n’Roll”
Professor Tadeusz Grabowski Award – Łukasz Rayski „O dwóch takich co ukradli Giewont”
Funded awards
Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow Award – Jacek Staniszewski „all you need is love”
The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź Award – Michał Minor „Trzecie Międzynarodowe Triennale Rysunku Studenckiego”
Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznan Award – Mieczysław Wasilewski „Galeria plakatu Piotra Dąbrowskiego”
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Award – Dominika Czerniak-Chojnacka „Koncert Organowy”
Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice Award – Łukasz Kliś „Pomimo”
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk Award – Łukasz Rayski „M.G.”
The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw Award – Kaja Renkas „InterFilm 2”
Union of Polish Artists and Designers Katowice District Award – Magdalena Wosik „Pracownia Książki prezentuje”